

Without the Horns
Sometimes, I wonder
if you ever really loved me
or if you loved
what I became for you.

When I look back,
it's always in those moments—
when I’m giving you everything,
when I’m breaking my own bones
to build bridges to your desires,
when I’m the devil,
braving hellfire,
all for you.

You never liked me without the horns,
did you?
The girl who smiled too softly,
loved too purely—
she wasn’t enough for you.

You only showed up
when I wore sin like a second skin,
when I twisted myself
into shapes that pleased you,
when I bent my will
to fit your hunger.

I used to think that was love—
the way you’d reach for me,
only when I was burning for you,
but I see it now—
you were never there
for the quiet moments,
for the simple things,
for the girl who didn’t need to bleed
to be worthy of your touch.

You were only ever there
for the pleasure,
for the thrill,
for the girl who lost herself
to satisfy your cravings,
and I wonder if you even noticed
when I started to fade away.

But I am done with devils,
with men who only see me
when I’m on fire.
I am walking away
from the ashes you left behind.
I am reclaiming the girl
without the horns.

And maybe, just maybe,
someone will love her too.
But this time, it won’t be you.
It will be someone who stays,
even when she’s not burning
just for them.

© reddragonfly