

obsessed desire
In the moon’s soft glow where shadows whisper low,
She weaves dreams of Yarmia, a phantom in her soul’s flow.
"Your touch is a phantom, a ghost in my night,"
She confides to the stars, her yearning taking flight.

Her eyes, like mirrors, reflect an unseen plea,
"Your essence, a mystery, a vast, deep sea,"
She imagines my presence in every fleeting breeze,
Longing for a closeness that never comes with ease.

"Every breath you take, a melody I chase,"
She murmurs in the silence, her heart a fervent race,
Her dreams are filled with visions of me, she's entangled in a trance,
Yet in the waking world, she never gets a chance.
She says,
"To touch you, to hold you, is a fantasy grand,"
She writes with a passion that she can’t withstand,
Her soul is adrift in a sea of deep desire,
Searching for solace in an unquenched fire.
She proclaims, with words fierce is a tidal wave,
"I want all of you, like the moon kiss the tide,"
Her longing’s a beacon where shadows reside,
She envisions our moments in a world all her own,
An obsession that’s etched in a heart overgrown.

"Your essence, a riddle that I cannot solve,"
She breathes through her letters, her emotions evolve,
In her mind’s eye, our connection is bright,
Yet in reality, I remain just out of sight.

"Your intimacy, a treasure I yearn to hold,"
Her passion’s a story that remains untold,
Her nights are haunted by the ghost of my touch,
A phantom she craves, a desire too much.

"Obsessed with a vision, a love that’s unknown,"
She dwells in her dreams where our paths have not grown,
In the quiet of night, where shadows intertwine,
Her desire persists, a never-ending line.

In the daylight’s warmth, where our worlds diverge,
She clings to the echoes of a longing surge,
"All of you, I need, like the earth needs the rain,"
Her obsession’s a mirror to a heart in deep pain.
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