

(this is just a varation on THREE MONTHS AT A TIME I.)

I have the kind of cancer where you live 3 months at a time.
Every 3 months you go in for scans to see if there is any cancer they can find.

What your next three months will be like the scans will surely tell.
They could say you have 3 more months of life or 3 months of living hell!

The week before you go for scans worry washes over you like a wave.
But you struggle not to show it and so you but on your biggest brave.

Waiting in the little room to get your scans the anxiety is almost to much to bear.
Wondering if the Scans will be clean or if they'll find some cancer there.

The scans never take to long and soon you're on your way.
While you wait for the results to come an hour can seem like forever and a day.

finally,after what seems like forever, the results are in and you will see the doctor soon.
The nurse takes you back to wait in an examination room.

You wait and wait to see the doctor and then you wait some more.
could this mean bad news you've never had to wait this long to see the doc before.

Finally you here a knock on the door the doctor comes in and asks you how you've been.
You smile and lie and say i've been good while your scared to death within.

The anticipation's almost killing you. good news or bad news which one will it be?
Then the doctor with a smile says "good news the scans say you're still cancer free."

A huge weight falls from your  shoulders as you let  the news sinks in
You've got 3 months to live like you don't have cancer till  it's time to do it all again.

© terry colby