

Grey Area
He said, "It is thraldom in a way
However, in the same way, it's not
As they apply with a typed resume
Yes— they volunteer— I know— jackpot
Where my kin hail from we like to say
We have them in a wide blind spot, taut!"

I quipped "Why don't they just run away
Are they without an ounce of forethought?"

He smirked then hissed "We keep them with pay
And we're sure not to pay them a lot"

"It's paper with written overlay
Plastic and metal to fill a slot
Without money, they think they'll decay
Even though the money ain't worth squat"

"Plus, do you see how much they all weigh?
Do they look like they're able to trot?"

"The wages they earn every day
Are enough to poorly fill their pot
Perhaps a few cents for leaves of bay
And to buy sugar to spur tooth rot"

"To cause full-out bodily decay
They eat the poison without a thought"

"The snazzy packages we display
Have them ordering from their fav spot
If we give things names like Ocean Spray
They'll pay more to have it to them brought
They'll borrow— they'll beg— they will betray
They try to resist but they cannot"

I snapped, "This feels all wrong, Mister Grey
Your kin have spun a sick, twisted plot
I gave weigh to your affairs today
As we float on this huge private yacht"

"I regret sipping this here latte
Who even drinks their damned coffee hot?"

He tried to reply by laughing "They!"
But I'd had enough of all he fraught
I warned "Save your breath— I will not sway
I'm placing on this hell a boycott"

#greyarea #dream #nightmare #rhyme
© danie_af