

Forest of Death
Old tapestry slides of a white wall
Uncovering the secrets within them all
And outside the lonely owl sings
In its eye sadness, corrupt things

Howling, crying, and awful din
In the forest of death and sin
Where all stars collide with the moon
Waiting for all beings to die soon

The ground is slippery, and yet dry
The clouds form over the dark sky
As the living turns to stone,
But she stands there, all alone

Her heart casting so many spells
Paving her way towards hell's cells
Her mind full of fantasy, but grief
A lonely soul that sees no relief

Like a chameleon, her pale cheeks colour change
Left to sit crying in this environment strange
Crows and wolves of stone now cannot cry
She cannot live, and she cannot die

Forest of Death, din of chains and poison in veins
Din of the owls in this great pain remains

And she cries, praying her body turns to wood
Not knowing what she must not do, what she should
A voice from the skies shouted and gave her a sign
Saying, "Abandon all hope and everything fine!"

Forest of Death, din of chains and poison in veins
Din of the trees shaking and crying as it rains

Overcome by her tears, time froze again
As birch formed all over her body then
And in the wood, etched was the text:
"I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next!"

Forest of Death, din of chains and poison in veins
Hollow wood that was once her body today reigns

© shishmish