

My Vulnerability -3
Every time I think I've moved on
why is it so that just seeing you appear in my life again brings me back to you?
Everytime I think I've moved on
why is it so that whenever I see your text pop up on my screen I get excited?
Everytime I think I've moved on
why is it so that I still smile in the middle of the night remembering the memories we made?
Everytime I think I've moved on
why is it so that whenever I recieve a notification telling me your name, I suddenly feel like I'm happy?
Everytime I think I've moved on
why is it so that I cannot ignore your texts?
Everytime I think I've moved on
why is it so that I try to find you inside every guy I meet?
Everytime I think I've moved on
why do you make me believe that I haven't?
Why am I not able to accept that we were not supposed to end up together?
Why do I feel empty even after being happy?
Just why is it so? Why?
© Piku