

About You
It's been so long and i still write about you
Maybe in future i will write about someone new

But i am sure there will be some of your crumble
I might mess the new poem or i might just fumble

The idea of imagining someone else besides you feels like a crime
Because it was always our tree house and our ladder to climb

How can someone be jealous of someone unknown
It's actually a feeling that's bothering me for a while
Because she is going to be the lucky one who always get to see your smile

When i saw you i was new at writing
So i had to wait for the words to come out naturally before inviting

I think i will run out of words to write about someone new
Because i think words were created to describe you and only you

And i know i am fully aware of the fact that you will never find someone like me
Because i always carry something from the past in me like a sea

But i think this time around i found something new about me instead of loosing myself completely
And maybe we weren't ideal but i did felt about you deeply
© MayAp