

Pact in Shadows
Beneath a moonless sky, where no light dares tread,
I whispered desires to shadows, ambitions spread.
At the ancient crossroads, where wicked pacts are spun,
To the demon's beckoning, my soul was won.

Infernal contract, sealed in blood's embrace,
Eternal torment, in the abyssal space.
Brief power and glory, in the world's deceitful view,
In the heart of darkness, my spirit's undo.

Silken lies, whispered with a hiss,
For fleeting fame, I plunged into the abyss.
But with every dark gift, a curse took its toll,
Mirrored in the depths of the demon's soul.

Fiery chains constrict, as my heart grows cold,
Such is the cost, when your soul is sold.
Echoes of agony, as despair takes its hold,
In the cavernous void, where the damned are enrolled.

Infernal contract, binding and profound,
Into the depths of despair, my essence is drowned.
Moments of pleasure, under the sun's glow,
But in the shadow's embrace, endless sorrow.

A perilous dance, in the devil's court,
Where lost souls lament and dark creatures cavort.
For each fleeting joy, eternal pain awaits,
In the relentless furnace of hell's gates.

Glimmers of regret, in the chasm's refrain,
The allure of the wicked, the pleasure and pain.
Each step in power, each moment of might,
Led to an endless, pitch-black night.

Infernal contract, destiny's cruel twist,
In the devil's maw, where souls persist.
A deadly game of temptation, where all is at stake,
In the demon's delight, an eternal heartbreak.

In the churning abyss, void of all grace,
Reflections of choices, the paths I did trace.
In seeking worldly treasures, and power untold,
I lost the one treasure, more precious than gold.

© Magnus Stalhart