

Dear Mama
Mama I HATE the world,
Why'd you have to bring me here??

No I cannot breathe,
Because I'm black,
Living in a white atmosphere..

Living through the things,
They have to never fear..

I have to carry here, there, and everywhere..

They don't NEVER care,
They only kill, shoot, lynch, and mob.

We ask for an ear, and these twisted fucks give us corn on the cob.

We ask to be protected,
But at the same hands,
we die..

Don't ask me how I'm doing,
Because words can't describe,
Just how I feel inside.

Mama I hate the world,
And every day is draining.

Every day is pain, hurt, uncertainty,
Even when its sunny,
It's still pouring down raining.

They act like black lives are hallow, and just for entertainment,

Skimming through our souls,
The love,
We're still waiting.

It's been 400 plus years,
And we haven't retaliated,

Thinking we're raping,
But they fucked their selves like masterbation.

They created the same fears,
that they seek to cement.

That they lie and spread ill,
Hysterias real,

I do not feel safe mama.
Why was I ever alive.

Spending every day to cry,
Feel crushed,
And wanna die,
Feeling extra dead inside,
From the lack of feeling alive.
I'm trying to paint the right colors,
And I'm not talking about Pride.
I had to set it out aside,
Through blurry eyes,
I'm asking God why.

I didn't ask for this shit!!

I'm only living,
And I'm getting fucking harassed for this shit!!!

All because my shade of skin color,
I hate you,
You Bitch!!!!

I'm not a criminal,
I deserve to live,
Just ask my 2 kids!!!

Mama are you safe? Because you in the same boat. I'm fighting tears holding back feeling the strain on my throat.

I never wish death but they execute, so I'm hoping they croak.

Choke they self with what they lynch us with,
And close up their throats?!

We're innocent,
You actually murder us,
Our lives are a joke!!

My brother, my fucking sister, my nieces and nephews,
My cousins, my aunt and uncles,
My friends that grew to brothers..

Tell me why it is we living and have to suffer..

But white privilege denies me and accepts them like no other..

This world isn't and wasn't made for me I wish there was another.

But for now I'm hidden like an undercover lover..

© SotaylordOut420