

on these days
To those like me, 
There are days when you will feel like a penguin, slow,  flightless,  and undeserving of attention
You will feel like an afterthought and different from all around you
Sometimes your footsteps will be heavy and sound like all the reasons you shouldn't have left home
When your doors of opportunity and eyelids start to slum at the exact same time
You will be kept awake by the hours that passed you by
When you have a test every waking day and your hours feels like they are serving tests in seconds
Your world feels like it is full of all the reasons you are wrong
When you have to be awake at 5am and your alarm clock sounds like a punch to your gut everytime you touch the snooze button
Some days you will curse the birds for being so damn happy early in the morning
On days like these
Remember that you are a grain of salt
You have music in the basement of your throat and your heart dances to the lyrics with sheer devotion
You are beautiful,  bold and becoming
Remember that today wouldn't be the same without you
You are the spinal cord of all the dreams and aspirations that your parents stuffed inside you
So stand up tall and convince yourself that you need to survive
You Have to Survive
Take a breath like you know all the amazing things that thrive on your inhale
Ms. Kuria
© Ms.Kuria..