

Day 1 :
I have known him for all years, he is still the same the young, smart and desperate being. I felt comfortable with my whole heart and there was no yes or Nos all was in the language of we know each other with different slang. I know I can explain him everything because we were settled in same mindsets.
There can be many individuals in your life, but you can't keep going and saying to all that am all alone. I know it sometimes makes worry a lot because you feel something that's been shared from your lips and that seems to aching a lot.
But others didn't know the bit of you that you are actually becoming stronger after those little sadness near your eyelids.
All in my life I was about to leave sooner, but the others didn't know how it would have been worth if they loved me back.
I know like everyone in my life, but only two people read my sadness behind my fake smile.
Once an Introvert just asked me, did you made time for someone who just expects your little time but not anything.
I smiled at him and said I never had a time for me to spend for myself alone.
All I was in wrong intense in searching for someone else who gives me more love I yearn for.
I saw his tender heart he was feeling for something hard yet it is wandering to reach a shore with someone who understands him completely.
There is a lot of his funny mess, but still his eyes teach me something that his lips forgotten to compose into words.. He said am so weak, yes, I was once, but not this time because I was already in someones story who only forced me to taste the sour tears of mine..
© nandhini