

" My beloved country sierra leone"by Turay Ishmael

Where golden shores and vibrant landscapes shone,
With mountains tall and rivers flowing free,
A land of beauty, rich in history.
From Freetown’s bustling streets to the rural plains,
Where diverse cultures blend, harmony remains,
In every corner, unity is found,
A tapestry of tribes, tightly bound.
Oh, Sierra Leone, your spirit soars high,
Through trials and triumphs, you never shy,
From colonial struggles to civil strife,
You’ve emerged stronger, embracing life.
Your people, resilient, with hearts so kind,
In times of need, compassion they find,
Through laughter and tears, they stand as one,
United in love, till the battle is won.
Your diamonds, precious gems, beneath the ground,
Symbolize the strength that in you is found,
A wealth untold, not just in earthly worth,
But in the spirit of your people’s rebirth.
Oh, Sierra Leone, your future gleams bright,
With hope and progress, a guiding light,
Education and growth pave the way,
To a prosperous nation, day by day.
So, let us cherish this land we call home,
With pride and honor, together we roam,
For in our hearts, Sierra Leone will be,
A beacon of hope, for all to see.