

Unbreakable Threads of Love
In the year of twenty-twenty's dawn,
Through the forest, a journey drawn.
Dry trees stood, a daunting feat,
Yet you tread, with water at my feet.

A year unfurled, twenty-twenty-one,
Your story shared, a connection spun.
You, a mystery, knew my kin,
A tale unfolded, beneath the skin.

Fearful, I felt your presence near,
As if you shadowed, a constant peer.
Days passed, your story untold,
A sympathy grew, a warmth took hold.

In a world confined, lockdown's embrace,
Late nights shared, time and space.
Countless words in the silent glow,
A bond ignited, emotions to show.

Back to life, you ventured away,
A mix of sorrow, anger's sway.
Love unyielding, despite the strain,
In the heart's dance, joy and pain.

Two and a half, the years unfold,
Stories told, emotions bold.
Hurt exchanged, lessons learned,
A complex love, forever earned.

Though not perfect, our paths entwine,
A blessing and curse, yours and mine.
As shadows loom in the present light,
Love persists, in the darkest night.

In two-oh-two-three, uncertainty's theme,
Yet, my support, an unwavering beam.
Through thick and thin, I'm by your side,
A love unbroken, a bond that won't hide.

Paths may differ, dreams may part,
Yet, my wish for you, a beating heart.
Succeed and soar, with or without me,
In every phase, my love shall be.

No matter the distance, our souls may fly,
In every breath, a whispered sigh.
Wherever you roam, whatever you do,
Know this truth: my love for you is true.
© Lily Grace