

Depression is a silent ghost that reaches your soul and take over your brain,
depression is the enemy that many have on themselves, is the fake smile when you see your
friends, when you go out to the world while all you want is to cry all day and just disappear.

You can't control it, it overcomes your strength it takes over your life slowly, painfully.

What should I do ? "I can't resist, I can't see the light at the end of my path" !
Depression, stealing my dreams, my hope and wishes.
Get out of my head depression you can't live here.

"Depression stop hurting me let me leave let me be free".
Free of suffering and nights without sleep, from feeling lonely, and clouding me spirit !

Depression I expel you from my life, you don't belong here, let me go, let me free.

© Julian Claudio-Morales