

In darkness' embrace, a soul takes its flight,
leaving behind those who weep in the night.
A life extinguished, a story untold,
leaving memories and hearts to unfold.

Gone is the laughter, the love and the cheer,
leaving behind a void that none can adhere.
Tears are the language, grief's bitter toll,
As we navigate life without your soul.

Oh, death so cruel, taking loved ones away,
leaving echoes of sorrow that forever stay.
But in memories held close, you shall remain,
A presence, ethereal, through joy and pain.

Each tear that falls, a testament of love,
A reminder that your spirit soars above.
For though you're gone, you're never truly lost,
Bound by the thread that love's forever crossed.

The ache in our hearts, it never subsides,
Yet through the pain, your spirit quietly guides.
In every sunset's hue and gentle breeze,
We find solace and strength in memories.

Though we may weep and long for your embrace,
Your essence endures, a poetic grace.
In stars that shimmer and rainbows that gleam,
Your immortal spirit, forever, we deem.

So as we gather, in love and embrace,
We honor your life with hearts full of grace.
For death may take bodies, but not the soul,
And love's eternal flame forever shall stroll.

#deep_widin #deepz_talk #poembydeep

© deep_widin