

Sweet Sorrow
Loving you from the beginning has been pain,
So much of the hurt but at the same time pleasure, it drives me insane,
How do I explain loving you in the midst of the aches,
The arguments, the fights, all for what sake?

You never abused me or hurt me physically,
You chose to do it a better way, emotionally,
That way, you could hide the scars,
And buy my forgiveness with jewelry and new cars,

I loved you even when you tore it open,
I call my heart an "it" because I don't know what to call it now that its broken,
You pick up the pieces and put it back together,
And when one piece falls off, you pretend to make it better,

I find it funny though, how I can't stop coming back,
Even after the suffocating statements you throw at me day after day,
Even after everyone calls me a crying sack,
I still find in you a place to stay,

Maybe its just the joy of having someone like you,
Maybe its the peace I find in solving your messy life and that of ours too,
Maybe its the fact that even if I find someone else's love to borrow,
Whether I stay or whether I go,
Being with you is such sweet sorrow.
© Ese Naomi