

pillars of our lives
Is it fair?
We only talk about the mothers
What about our fathers?
Who were forced to become strong pillars
So our futures would not collapse

What about our fathers?
Who stayed strong,rising above the tides
Bearing the weight of many eyes

What about our fathers?
The ones who gave us an identity
A name to call our own

What about our fathers?
Cautiously solving problems we never knew existed
Shielding us from the harms of the deciding world.

What about our fathers?
The ones who lost their youth,
Struggling to help us build ours

What about ours fathers?
The ones who had to stay strong
Hearing our mother's screams
The day we were born

What about our fathers?
That never fail.
They solve all our problems
And never stray.

He's greater than all the hero's
That fight till date

What about our fathers?
They'll go down in history
As men with grace

My father is the pillar of my life
Holding me up,when ever life draws me down
My father is my guidance and light
Though this dark maze we call our world

And on this special day,
I wish all our special fathers


You are cherished!!! ❤❤❤
We can't imagine life without you!! 😊😊😊

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