

If he must be praised for his manly figure then she must not be cursed for her sexiest outfit. Respect for the person and not the gender. The place which accepted her, now denied to notice him. Nothing change until you give a drastic change. The more messy her hair was, the more attraction she got, but the more messy his hair was the more rejection he faced. They were not same in all aspects but gender descrimination always plays a vital role in all fields a person wish to come out in flying colours. He has more strength than her and she has more endurance than him. Both had something similar but always treated dissimilar. When she was locked up inside, he had freedom to fly. When she had freedom to fly he had power to tear her wings apart. When she ran around the world he was risking his life for her happiness. When she was burning in the kitchen for him he had crazy talks online with random folks. When she was having a peaceful sleep he suffered all night to look after her. When he was clubbing all night she stood in the doorsteps waiting for him to have dinner together. Both need huge respect not heavy condemn. Respect them as a person not for the gender they are repsenting.

-suvi murugan✨
© suvi✨