

I still remember,
the month of August filled with your WhatsApp calls.

every day, anticipating your call, day and night.

you gave me something that I never knew, I lacked

you gave me your company.

you talked, and I listened

I talked, you listen

we were both in sync,

I was the loner, you were the outgoing type, I miss hearing about your experience first-hand.

now I have to settle for reading about it on the M app.

But now,

it's December and I receive them (calls) no more.

curious, I asked

but you said we are good, your silence is loud.

I ponder.

then I remember I hurt you, I left when I should have stayed.

being sick in the head isn't an excuse to leave a friend behind.

now I am thrown back into the abyss of loneliness, a home I recognize no more.

friend when will you save me from the abyss of seclusion?

I need my friend back, I miss you badly.
© Wokili Musa