

28 5 star review
5 star review I saw but only filled in 1 star and another half.
I stood in a crowd millions of people around me.
holding a photo showing images of people next to there 5 filled in stars.
Then at the stage a lady spoke reading off the names.
At the bottom she read my name and I felt tears falling down my face.
She read off a number, 28.
The reviews may not have been filled up to 5 but that star and a half shared so much to my surprise.
She read 28 reviews of real people who wanted to say thank you and how much I helped them. Sharing there stories from how they saw me in there journey a way I didnt think to see.
I felt so much emotion standing in this crowd.
The lady then shared the review was only from half of a semester of being the real you. That number then showed me it's far larger when living the full journey.
28 may not be 100% but 28 means alot to me.
Your star is still being filled your story is still being written.
what we may see or feel as small is much larger then we could even imagine. Thank you 28 I see you too and appreciate your reviews ♡
This photo was not in black and white I saw color and saw me this number 28 and 1 and a half stars in you moved me in just being you in my journey through my dreams.
© LS