

If I Were A River...
If I were a river
Stagnant would have been
an unfamiliar word,
and I would have been
as sharp as a sword...

Cutting the obstacles
Lined up in my way,
And jumping the hurdles
To reach the heights
and the deepest pits,
I would have bubbled out
like a fountain and
Dancing to the music of rain...

While thundering and lighting
Would fill me with joy
I will flow with my friends
and not worry of the future,
Every minute every second
I would cherish and I would enjoy...

Blooming all sage, lavender, lilies and daisies
On my way
I would have collected a few
Seeds of them
The once that believe that they deserve more
I would have carried them
Along with the flow...

My flow would have been
with the tide,
Least resistant,
to what's right...
Time and again
high tide and low tide
nothing would stop my goals
I will fight with might...

Finally when that thrill would arrive
I would go silent,
For a while,
Deeply happy inside I would know
For it's now time to merge again...

No more shall I can quench thirst
Of others,
For now I am thirsty not anymore,
Because I am not a small wisdom any longer,
I am as silent as a sea...

By Lipika B Nabajya

© Mili...🌼
