

The Verb: Mother
The fragrance of my childhood,
Hides in the folds of your embrace,
How clumsy I was attempting to lace
My sandals and shoes; for food-
Was my only skill then
A sad reminder of the mess
I posed to myself, you and my team
Feeding not my brains, but abdomen
Till I was robust with low self-esteem
Just one of my many sicknesses you cured
Emaciating your already slender build
Acting beyond your name, to have incurred
The wrath of all practitioners in the health field
Suing them for criminal negligence as my solicitor
When your lawyer advised restitution in torts
Back at school, you were the soldier of war
Attacking any who caused me to be lost in thoughts
Preaching self-love from God's love were sermons
Even our church pastor had to take notes from.
Now I'm a full grown man
Yet you trim my pride-beards
Better than the best of barbers at the salon
My love interest is constantly schooled on dreads
In comparison to her most stylish stylist
Her cuisine is updated to meet intercontinental
Standards, because you lecture her on varieties.
"Mother", as a noun, you are indeed good,
But not calling you properly, a "verb", is a disgrace!
© Capt_Iyke Art 2020.
