


Oh, the things that get in our way
Like a hidden door blocking our path
A problem waiting to be solved
But sometimes, it feels like simple math
We try to move forward
But obstacles seem to arise
A tangled mess of challenges
That we must face and analyze
At times, it's a simple fix
A solution we can clearly see
But other times, it's a maze
And we struggle to break free
We bang and push against the door
Hoping to break it open wide
But it seems to be locked tight
And our frustration starts to rise
We search for the key
That will unlock the mystery
But sometimes, it's not that easy
And we must dig deep in our history
For every problem has a root
A cause that we must unearth
And sometimes, it takes trial and error
To find the value of its worth
We gather our tools and our wit
And approach the problem with a plan
We won't let it defeat us
We'll do whatever we can
For we are problem solvers
And nothing can stop us now
We'll find a way around or through
And make that hidden door bow
So let the challenges come
For we'll find a way to prevail
We'll solve each and every problem
And leave nothing to derail
For in the end, it's not the struggle
But the lessons we learn along the way
And with each problem we solve
We become stronger every day.
© ladyjacquelineprincess