

You Should've Said
("The words I wished to hear, wished to read, but I never will,
Cuz you lack the courage to say what needs to be.
So here let me enter your mentality and write them for you please!")

“My heart is aching, torn in two,
Between the love I feel for you,
And the lies I told, the games I played,
The trust I shattered, the love betrayed.

I'm so in love with you, it's true,
But now I see the damage I've done,
The pain I've caused, the hurt I've brought,
And I can't undo what I have wrought.

I used you, manipulated your heart,
I played you like a puppet, tearing you apart,
I gaslit you, made you doubt your mind,
Causing holes in your reality,
By systematically twisting your thoughts, corrupting your design.
Calculating precisely when to tell my lies
And now I'm left here, broken and blind.

But you, my love, you saw through my facade,
You saw the darkness lurking, the pain I caused,
You stood by me, even when I pushed you away,
And now I beg for your forgiveness, every single day.

I'm sorry, my love, for the lies I told,
For the hurt I caused, for the pain I sold,
I don't deserve your love, your forgiveness so pure,
But I swear to you, my love, I'll be better, I'll endure.

For you are the light in my darkness, the hope in my despair,
The one who sees me, broken and bare,
I'm so in love with you, it's true,
And I'll spend every day proving it to you.

So let me make it up to you, my love,
Let me show you how much you mean to me.
I'll mend what's broken, heal what's torn,
I'll be the partner you deserve, forlorn.

I'm so in love with you, my dear,
And I'll spend forever showing you, my fear,
That I'll lose you, that you'll walk away,
But I swear to you, my love, I'll always stay.

For you are my everything, my heart and soul,
And I'll spend my days, trying to make you whole,
I'm so in love with you, it's true,
And I hope you'll forgive me, for all I've put you through.”

© Words Of Anthrax

#writcopoem #narcisstiticpersonalitydisorder #narcissist #pain