

The battle within
In the silent shadows of a restless mind,
Anxiety weaves it’s intricate design,
A tangled web of worry and fear,
Whispers of doubt that no one else can hear.

Anorexia, a cruel and silent thief,
Stealing away the joy of every meal,
A hunger that can never be satisfied,
A battle fought in secret, too real to believe.

Suicide, a dark and desperate plea,
A final act when all hope seems to flea,
A silent scream that echoes in the night,
A heartache too heavy to bear, too heavy to fight.

Depression, a heavy cloud that hangs above,
A weight that crushes, suffocates with love,
A darkness that devours every ray of light,
A never-ending struggle to get through the night.

Self-Harm, a haunting and destructive art,
A way to numb the pain that fills the heart,
A silent cry for help that no one sees,
A battle that is fought alone, on bended knees.

Emotional dysregulation, a storm within,
A whirlwind of emotions, a constant racket,
A rollercoaster ride that never seems to end,
A journey through chaos, Searching for relief.

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