

Walk the perimeter, are there places to hide that are absent from light? Sight? Would sound escape? Could I? Would birds on watch chirp away my vantage point if I mistakenly rustled the leaves on the ground? How fast could a lone wolf be surrounded? Could the first team be heard if they scream out "FOUND HIM!" before I got off a round? What about footprints, could cologne be smelled this far from the crowd? Do these cultists have instinct I need to know about? How did this "movement" gain such a following - it's well past time to take them down. Will the whole commune mimic the other in how they respond to a metal shower? How many police are with them now? I know the ratio is higher than it should be when they have badges and law to support them, but they have given freedom an order to leave town. This should be looked at all a grass roots movement, guerilla warfare won us a country once upon a bomb bursting in air - is our flag still there? Will the people ever fully understand the stakes before it over takes them? Some of us are out of patience waiting for that answer. it'll be described as an act of terror - one they haven't funded... one close enough to get them.
© Alien.S