

when I used to live in Mio
I had friend called wild Bill.
I’ve moved away from Mio
But Bill he lives there still.

Wild Bill had lots of stories
And every one was swell.
But the one that I like best
Is the one I’d like to tell.

Some flat landers were comin north.
They planned hunt for deer.
They wanted Bill to guide them.
They didn’t know him well I fear.

It was finally opening day
And as bill prepared to guide.
He got some chocolate covered raisins
Put em in his pocket, deep inside.

They got to where they planned to hunt
And they climbed out of the car.
They grabbed their guns an started out
They hadn’t gotten far.

Wild Bill was in the lead
When he stopped and kneeled down.
And taking the raisin from his pocket
He placed them on the ground.

Well the raisins looked like deer poop
Like it’d been pooped last night.
So he called the fellas over
Till the raisins were in their sight.

The guys were all excited
And ask, "is it a Buck or doe?"
Bill says “boys your in luck
Cause I have a way to know.”

Bill picked up some raisins
And placed them on his tongue.
He began to chew those raisins
Like he was really chewing dung!

After chewing up that deer poop
Bill said “fellas looks like we’re in luck.
After chewing on that deer crap
I can tell you it’s a Buck.”

Then bill picked up more raisins.
looked the guys right in the face.
And said please excuse my rudeness
“Would you boys like a taste?”