

Life Without Problem

I can’t picture a life without problems,
They inspire us to work hard and learn.
We will all suffer this process,
No matter how much we avoid it.

Life without problems are nothing.
You can't change yourself to be better, you can't see the worst of yourself,
and you don't need a motivation.

Life is full of ups and downs,
Some have a good start,
But suffers a crappy end.

Some begin with difficulty,
And end up living a life of ease,
So if you ever think about giving up,
Remember why you held on for so long.

You’ve got a great life to live,
Your goal is your greatest motivation,
You’ve got a sense of purpose,
All you have to do is face your problem.

Whoever you are and whatever you may do,
Problems and difficulties are ever present,
But who are we without hard times,
Difficulties make us determined to achieve our objectives,
It gives us the mindset of winning against all odds,
So remember to see the positive side of negative events,
Remember that nothing happens to you,
it happens for you.

Life without problem is just a dream.
You’ve got to stay strong,
to be strong in tough times,
Tough times never last but tough people do,
You can go through it,
Ending will always be beautiful.

#WritcoPoemPrompt59 #life #lifewithoutproblem #problem

© fiz_