

Dear Renu..
(A Sergeant was posted at LOC in kargil.He wrote some letters to his pregnent wife Renu that never reached her! Here are those letters he wrote..)
Dear Renu,today I joined at my post..
Everything is fine here but I am missing you the most!
Hope you all are good, I can't go home now for about a year..
I told my superior about your pregnancy but please you don't ever fear!
The place is very beautiful,it constantly reminds me of you..
I wish you are here with me..I will write later, now I am waiting in a queue..
Others are very nice to me,I am trying my best to get some leave..
But still it will be late,I hope you will be able to perceive..
(After first letter,no reply came!)
Renu, are you angry with me that's why you didn't write me back ?
Or you are too sick to write,then tell your brother to write or I will crack!
I know it's time for your rest but please send a letter..
You don't know how much it will mean to me, you will understand this later!
(Still no reply..)
Fine Renu, don't reply me but it's almost time for giving birth to her..
Yes, I want it to be a girl, pretty like you..We all will be together..
Renu,it's almost six month..
I wanted to be with you but I just can't!
The situation is getting heated up here and country is my first choice..
Don't be mad at me, I am missing you and your sweet voice..
( 4 letters were sent no reply came back.)
Renu,you can't realize how much under pressure we are here from there..
It seems to me they will attack on us,we have to prepare!
(That night,Pakistani terrorists attacked the camp..)
A official wrote back to Renu that they are sorry to inform that terrorists attacked the camp last night.Her husband was awake as he was writing a letter to her! He went outside and saw them.He shouted to warn all but he was shot immediately by a terrorist.Due to postal problems, no letters were sent to her. Renu got four letters written to her with her husband's dead body! She was 8 months pregnant then.
Hey, everyone if you are reading this long do leave your thoughts in the comments..it will mean a lot to me..
© Soumyadip