him or her -none
He was head over heels in love with her.
She sighs after taking a long breath...
He sobs uncontrollably…
As they try to break through the glass that divides them
they would like to have togetherness and sometimes blinded by never the less and can't find a way out from the cleverness.
maybe they arnt supposed to be, and all the dreams they have set won't be free and the end will come and it will be and that is a thought in a vision that I can see.
if they had love would thy break it or put it through the dirt, because some people ain't normal and like to hurt or put a bad sticker on you and be the above , all of thee above and sicker.
she took a long breathe , at least she has one.. she can take all the breathes she wants and I wouldn't care if i was sleeping then I wouldn't dare and provably am more at care because I am not there, completely unaware. I can't help but when I'm around you get in my vision anyways soni just look at one of you and stare , you complain about stairs or hairs or some.
can you even help me when I sob to no end and every bone starts to break into flesh and it hurts so bad there is no death and I can't get enough breathe . why would i get...
He was head over heels in love with her.
She sighs after taking a long breath...
He sobs uncontrollably…
As they try to break through the glass that divides them
they would like to have togetherness and sometimes blinded by never the less and can't find a way out from the cleverness.
maybe they arnt supposed to be, and all the dreams they have set won't be free and the end will come and it will be and that is a thought in a vision that I can see.
if they had love would thy break it or put it through the dirt, because some people ain't normal and like to hurt or put a bad sticker on you and be the above , all of thee above and sicker.
she took a long breathe , at least she has one.. she can take all the breathes she wants and I wouldn't care if i was sleeping then I wouldn't dare and provably am more at care because I am not there, completely unaware. I can't help but when I'm around you get in my vision anyways soni just look at one of you and stare , you complain about stairs or hairs or some.
can you even help me when I sob to no end and every bone starts to break into flesh and it hurts so bad there is no death and I can't get enough breathe . why would i get...