

Dear Diary, Have you missed me?
Have you missed me expressing my fears, the feeling that I talk too much, not smart enough, not eloquent enough? Have you missed me talking about my inability to love, to care? No matter how hard I try?

Have you missed me writing about how I regret pushing people away but also feel threatened when they get a little too close?

Have you missed me confiding in you about feeling lonely, lost and confused in this crazy world, where family feels like strangers and strangers feels like visitants?

Have you missed the over analyser, don't want to die but still can't live girl,  the  everyone is around you for something girl?

 I haven't!!

Let me introduce you to this new woman, the woman who is not afraid to talk too much, fail, love, trust,  welcome true friendships and believes in progress not perfection.

Let me introduce you to this woman that says YES to hanging out with other humans instead of running home to cuddle alone on the sofa. The woman who is not afraid to laugh out loud inappropriately and smile genuinely.

I know you don't know this woman, but I will slowly introduce you to her and I promise you, you wouldn't miss the young me anymore!

Dear Diary, please don't miss her!