

A Possessed Girl
There was once a girl possessed,

By demons dark and full of unrest.

They clawed and snarled within her soul,

A battle raging that took its toll.

She cried out for help, for release,

But the demons only laughed and increased.

Their hold on her grew ever stronger,

Each day feeling like an eternity longer.

But, then a light shone through the dark,

A glimmer of hope, a tiny spark.

A voice whispered in the girl's ear,

"Have no fear, for I am here."

The girl noticed a warm feeling spread through her,

The demons recoiling in horror and fear.

For in that moment she was set free,

The demons banished for eternity.

And so the girl lived on in peace,

No longer tormented by the demonic beasts.

For she had found the strength to fight,

And banished the darkness with the power of light.

© K. I. L.