

Part Of My Life, I Became Something
To the people who saw something in me,
And to my future self who thinks I am unworthy,


I was once a nobody, a girl trying to fit into society. A girl without confidence and every day living in a pretense.

You gave me a new ray of light, it was hope in sight. My existence was renewed, I am no longer screwed.

For the years I spent with you, to me it was all new. The battles I had in mind, you have defeated it with all your might.

I got out of my cage, you were there to help me change. Yet life is still fair, it gave me hardships to bear. It was unavoidable, I'm not even invincible, I always complain but then you offered to share the pain.

I found happiness despite my emptiness.
Now I started to see right, there is a new life to rewrite.

I was more thankful that I had fun, I didn't even know how it all begun. I thought I was just nothing, but because of you, I became something.

This part of my life is so tough, but with you guys beside it was enough.

Unfortunately, all stories must come to an end, I guess mine will be a happy ending chapter with you, my friend.

It sure was a great discovery, I will always have you in my memory.
© UnhappyMe