

Feels like destiny
We met yesterday
Now we're unseperable
Feels like destiny
Pops out same things
Same feelings from mind

Meeting of us are written
So many decades ago
Can't understand each
Seconds of our life
You always say words
That I want to say to you

Feels like destiny
We share same brain cell
Feels like destiny
Finally, I found my soulmate

We're mirroring each other
Whenever we met
The way you love & care me
Make a new me for you

Feels like destiny
We have same affection
We're same type
We have so many
Things to talk about
Finally, I found my soulmate

All starts from a fight
Ends in love
Starts from bitter
Ends in sweet
Starts from orange
Ends in purple
Be together
Be forever

You're my friend now
You're my soulmate
No one can't break this bond
You're my brother
You're my seven
No one can't hurt you anymore
We're 718
We're one

Shares the sad, Shares the happiness
Shares the love, Shares the pain
Sinked in emotions, Breathing hard
I'll take you out, Be my friend

I found my soulmate
Feels like destiny
Not from same omma
Not have same blood
But still have same mind
And I have you
And you have me