

Second Choice
I am the woman
who is always second choice
Boys scurry like roaches
when I dare speak my mind—
dare to possess a voice

I am the woman
who is always second best
Never my loyalty,
only his—
seems put to the test

I am the woman
who always comes in second place 🥈
Never am I the prize to be won—
only ever
just a phase

I am the woman
sat opposite from a ghost
Vanished when his interest
wasn’t piqued by me

I am the woman
seeing dead rise from the ash
Weasels wishing to weasel back
‘cause things went south
with the last

I am the woman
who sees through your shit
You’ve made your bed now,
so, lie in it

I am the woman
astonished by his pride
So confident he could stroll back
when the grass wasn’t greener
on the other side

I am the woman
who would pour into his cup
I’d build him up, because I care—
but my care
wasn’t enough

I am the woman
who is never truly seen
as a human with feelings,
tears welling,
behind his screen📱

I am the woman
wondering if men stop to consider
this treatment toward their mother,
future daughters,

I am the woman
placed indefinitely in purgatory
Discarded to the back burner
‘til he decides
I’m a priority

I am the woman
who decides the value I hold
I am not bronze or silver—
I am nothing but GOLD 🏆

photo credit:
Sarah Wolfe // Unsplash

© branypoo

#selflove #loveyourself
#selfworth #selfesteem