

They've Only Seen My Strength. Never My Weakness
They call me strong, that nothing can string me tight,
I don't care if I'm wrong. All I know was that all my life I had to fight.
They see me stand tall, as a flint, split across my lip,
They've never seen me swing to the rhythm, as an axe to a tree's hip.
They've neither seen my tears, nor do they hear my complaints,
They haven't either seen my fears, or have they seen any of the times I'd faint.
The truth is:
I grow tired of pain,
I'm always called the very least,
"Dumb", and "insane".
The light blinds my spirit,
For darkness was all I've ever known,
The truth is:
I grow tired of this endless cycle,
Please, place my head, buried underneath a slab of stone.
They call me strong, but they've never seen how tired my arms really are,
They've never seen my tears, yet, I cry myself to sleep, every night, underneath the breath of the stars.
They see my eyes as though they're focused on the future steps I'd take,
They can't see the misery underneath my eyelids, like I'd just fall over and break.
The one whom confessed who's loved me most,
Was the same who's slit me across the throat.

© Lunaris