


Baseless brethens born black and bitter,
Now blames breath badly for being a backstabber.
Breath O bad breath, you're no blissful bail-out.
But for the baseless bitter and black breathens sake,
Black and bitter roses be withered and banished .

Black roses brings and begets bountiful burdens,
Bountiful burdens bearing no boundaries before them.
Bountiful burdens birthing balky breath for dear breathens
Balderdash!!!!! Bitter brethens believes life is..
But I beseech now, and beg that black roses be banished.

For being so boastfully brash, black roses should be burnt,
Black roses should be binded, burnt and buried.
For white roses blazes beautifully and brightly.
Blazing blossomfully ,being blameless before men.
White roses begets beautiful blissful bed of roses

Baseless breathens born black and bitter,
Becomes blissful brightened blessed breathens.
For blissful brightened blessed breathens blames no one,
No one but black roses for being black minded .
The breathens blazes brightly for the white roses rose above the black roses.
© Peace Philip's