

Silence could mean a lot
Trying to connect with the self
Carrying out an internal dialogue
Understanding self to understand the world
Understanding self in relationship to the world
Understand people in relationships

Silence could be
To understand deeper human motives and desires
Which guides the behavior and actions
It could be to understand deeper human psyche
Silence is only a contemplation and reflection
On things which are otherwise avoided

Silence is not a weakness
But only a strength
Which prevents unnecessary loss of energy
Which gets lost in world filled with noise

Silence is a bridge to connect with self
To the vast reservoir of feelings and thoughts
And to understand them to understand self
Which in noise conditions gets overlooked

Silence is an adventure into the self
To understand the self
With its black & whites, positives & negatives
And to get connected with the most natural self
And accept the way we are

Silence is also a means to understand
Human strengths and weaknesses
Whether self or others
And to accept current conditions and situations as it is
© T Navin