

oh are you proud to defend
you can tell me to look at the positive but that's only going to allow people to keep repeating the negative acts they do towards me if I don't f*** them up for it vice versa you know I'm pretty tired of dying inside and quite frankly being positive ain't going to help information has been misconstrued people are speaking way above my level without allowing me to even know that to the point where I can't understand and it's confusing me and I'm going through something they call hell in the f****** stupid man-made Bible and to top it off my friend is no longer alive so this is kind of f****** s***** too gastrous gastrous whatever the f*** you want to say anyways City wars amnesty I mean were you ever really genuine that's what I need to know that's the answer and are you really trying to f****** makeup s*** about me and take me f****** down when all I ever did was be there for you like emotionally I was there without that emotion how do you how would you have gotten this far because I'll tell you one thing I'm getting no f****** emotion not from you not from anyone and it it it's a killer just like you can't make plans on my destiny if you can't assure me that I will live through it you didn't even care enough to see that through you don't care enough to respect my request because you think that you know what's best and you think chaos is best but I tell you something right now I'm not your f****** fool I'm not anyone's f****** fool but yeah I've been your guys's f****** fool and this is not going to be good I can promise you that because I was truly truly truly truly in love truly truly truly felt for you but one push came to shove and I went through what you went through you let me do it alone all alone and for that I hope you're ashamed for life because I would have held you for the rest of eternity why I don't f****** know I would have but I know you wouldn't cuz I cannot stand what was going on I did not know what was going on an you did.
© hailtheesavage