

Heavenly Father
I lost my pride and gained my empathy,
I was numb to my old ways, and He sewed up my old wounds, Little by little He molded me into His, what I feared the most became nothing but a passing glance, under His shadow I found rest, refuge and peace.
I watched the world from His eyes and crumbled in pain from the chaos that ensued,
trickling of tears and sorrows indescribable,
His children, drunk on passions placing bets on extremes of highs and low lows,
What Father can bear sight of His creation,
Children always in constant battles, always in survival mode, but never in peace,
They feared His rod and discipline, They ran for their mighty of hills and lighting struck them down from their high places,
For perfect love draws out all fears, and loving discipline is grace upon the earth,
Mighty is He, A Father always in search of His, unconditional love and mercy He gives, His cup never runs dry for He is Love.

Inspired by Palsms 91 ❤️
© river_who