

No title
one, I don't wanna like the way I smile when I tap on your phone number, it make me so happy but a string of guilt tie up my lips as soon as I listen to your recorded speech the I stored as a reminder,
Two, I want to ask you to block me again on WhatsApp, seeing your stats makes me relate all you post to myself, even though it is never about me, I do not know her name, but I keep thinking how she feels when she sees that your post are meant for her,

Three, I'm sorry that I'm still here, you've sent me off more then once but I constantly call you back like it's a ritual, I won't blame you for not feeling anything for me you have all the right,
I am pretty annoying

Four, I abundon poem, conversation, people, and some responsibility, so I'm sure that if you keep treating me like this I'll try and fix you in the list of things I'll run from,

You might not be a metaphor, but you sure know how to escape my mind,
like a line of a poem I was thinking about before I reach a place I could write it on,
before I got my pen,
or stop the my bike to jot it down,
You keep on changing forms
like the sentence to my every peom,
you are never stable, always finding new was to confuse me, just like my mind keep bringing new words that will rhyme in the stanza of my poem, and it confuse me
You are just like that
Just like the way I'm confused in this poem,
Oh I was counting,

Five, I do not wanna leave you,
but I feel like I should leave you,
So maybe oneday I'll leave you,
and when I do I'll make sure not to write about you anymore,
Maybe we'll see how your face will fade from my memory just like every death relative I've ever know,
Cause just like them you'll also be gone forever.

Thank you for reading😊