

Water As Clear As Your Eyes
Write a poem that includes at least five from the ten words given: (You can use more words of your choice to complete.)
Wish, desire, heart, star, reflection, smile, existence, behold, serene, warmth.

In a world of wonder, where dreams unfurl,
Stands a girl by a water, a sight to behold.
Her heart filled with wishes, desires untold,
As she gazes at the stars, their stories unfurled.

The water, so clear, like a mirror it gleams,
Reflecting her smile, as bright as the sun.
In its depths, her existence is spun,
A reflection of beauty, beyond our wildest dreams.

With each step she takes, the ripples dance,
Creating a symphony of serenity and grace.
Her presence, a warmth that lights up the space,
A girl in harmony with nature's sweet romance.

She wishes for love, a heart full of fire,
To find a connection that sets her soul free.
Like the stars above, she longs to be,
A beacon of hope, a love that won't tire.

Her desires, like whispers carried by the breeze,
Reach out to the universe, with hope in her eyes.
She knows that within her, the power lies,
To manifest dreams, with unwavering ease.

Behold this girl, standing tall and serene,
In the embrace of nature, she finds her peace.
Her spirit soars, her worries release,
As she becomes one with the tranquil scene.

In the clear water, she finds her reflection,
A reminder of the strength within her soul.
With every smile, she becomes whole,
A girl filled with love and affection.

So let us be inspired by this girl so rare,
With her wishes, desires, and heart so pure.
Like the stars above, let our dreams endure,
As we find our own reflection, in the water's gentle glare.

May we embrace the serenity she imparts,
And let warmth and love guide our way.
For in this world, where we all play,
We can find beauty in even the simplest of arts.

© D.mia