

lord Rama
Oh Lord Rama, with grace divine
You came to earth, your presence shine
In Ayodhya, the city of light
Your aagaman, a glorious sight

The people rejoiced, their hearts aglow
As they welcomed you, their beloved hero
With flowers and diyas, they lit the way
For your aagaman, on that blessed day

Your arrival was like a ray of hope
For all those who could no longer cope
With the darkness and evil that had spread
Your aagaman, brought an end to dread

With your bow and arrow, you vanquished the foe
And restored dharma, with a mighty blow
Your aagaman, a symbol of victory
Over the forces of darkness and treachery

Oh Lord Rama, your aagaman brings
Peace and joy, on angelic wings
Your love and compassion, knows no bound
In your presence, all sorrows drowned

Centuries may pass, but your aagaman
Will be remembered, by every woman and man
For you are the embodiment of truth and love
Sent to us, from the heavens above

So let us bow down, in reverence and awe
As we welcome you, with devotion pure
May your aagaman, forever be
A reminder of your divinity

Oh Lord Rama, we are blessed
To have you with us, as our guest
With folded hands, we pray and say
Jai Shri Ram, on this auspicious day.