

What blows my mind
the most
among all other things
is that
you don't even know
just how
beautiful you really are;

how the sun spills its light
into your gorgeous brown eyes
to create little universes
for my own to witness,

the way that your smile emerges
not only from parted lips,
but from the corners of your eyes
and your ears that rise up
ever so slightly,

in the way that you love me
so tenderly and effortlessly
with every fiber of your being
until my tank is filled
with only you,

in the dreams we share
that we continue to make
reality rather than fiction,

in the way that your hands
were intricately crafted by the gods
to perfectly fit into mine
like a lock and its key.

You are the personification
of the universe and all of its magic.
Nothing that has ever existed —
nor anything that is to come —
will ever match your beauty.

You are for me,
and I am for you.



— © think twice