

Land of Make Believe
Here in the Land of Make Believe
I can do as I very well please
Inside my mind is a world of my own
With no one to appease.

It's a place where happiness is formed
With rose petals and candy
Cooked into a sweet elixir
That some say taste like brandy.

The days are long and always sunny
Birds will take requests
A place where Love and Gratitude
Are openly expressed.

The trees are much more than just shade
They are faithful life long friends
Their branches strong to carry your weight
On them you can always depend.

The scents that flow from the flowers
Will have your imagination scheming
You'll spend hours sniffing flowers
Upon the grass you'll lay daydreaming.

The water is crystal clear and topaz
Mesmerizing and refreshing
The way it flows into your soul
Is in fact a blessing.

The nights are filled with sky diamonds
The moon is always blue
It brings with it the milky way
I kid you not, it's true.

Arguing is always forbidden
As is breaking hearts and telling lies
Communication and devotion
Help to make bright blue skies.

There's no need for money here
Everyone does what they can
With their hands and special traits combined
They clothe and feed their fellow man.

They all take care of one another
Listening, learning, from one another
Putting their own needs aside
Each one eager to help the other.

The Land of Make Believe is where
My childlike heart will forever remain
Smiling, laughing, and frolicking
My secret place to escape real life's pain.

© C. Haggerty