

Don't look down on me
Don't look down on me, from your lofty height
See me as equal, in the light of sight
My struggles may differ, my path may be worn
But my worth and value, are not yet torn

Your gaze may pierce, like a piercing stare
But mine is a soul, that's still worthy to share
The weight of your judgment, may try to oppress
But my spirit remains, unbroken and blessed

We all have our battles, our scars and our strife
But in each other's eyes, let's see a spark of life
Don't look down on me, from your throne of pride
Instead, let's stand together, side by side

For in our shared humanity, we'll find our strength
And in our differences, a beauty to length
So let's lift each other, up from the ground
And never look down, on a soul that's still around.