

Bad Things
Why do people do bad things? A smart question if you'd ask me, Firstly what makes something good or what makes it bad? if I were to give out cash to a begger along the roadside because I expected the universe to pay me back in future, does that make my action good or bad? or if I were to punch a guy in his face for harassing a girl, does that make my action good or bad?
I really do not grab the concept of good or bad things but while I'm at it, I'd say this, I feel humans have the capability of being good or bad, now before you try to deny and rant about how good you are, put these questions in mind, have you ever gotten excited watching a person fight a bully? , have you ever wished bad to befall a person simply because they did bad things?, have you ever stayed behind to watch two people fight just for the thrill of it?
I'm sure you must have answered yes, to be honest we are all good and bad, and the good and bad is incripted into us, like two sides of a coin. you're capable of being evil no matter how much of a good person you think you are, why do you feel like slapping someone hard when they piss you off? it's simply because of the evil in you, it's like a curse laid on mankind, the evil in us.
Curiosity is another factor too, you imagine how things are and want to try them out or see them for yourself, for example, a friend walks up to you and tell you about how a thief was caught, you try to picture the scenario and wish you were there to witness the event unfold before you. you hear a story of two people who fought, subconsciously you wish you were there to have witnessed it, curiosity is another curse, it can be good or bad depending on what direction your curiosity turns to.
© Freya