

All eyes on rafah
How many must fall, their dreams turned to dust,
Before your hearts awaken from apathy’s crust?
In Rafah, where innocence should freely roam,
Children's laughter is silenced; they find no home.

Flames devour the night, a ruthless plight,
Innocence caught in a deadly fright.
How many lives, bright futures torn apart,
Before compassion kindles in every heart?

Mothers weep for the children they can’t save,
Small souls laid too soon in an early grave.
How many cries must echo through the air,
Before the world answers with a collective care?

The streets are stained with sorrow's cruel mark,
Each life lost, a spark gone dark.
How many tears, how much bloodshed,
Before we honor the fallen and the dead?

Fathers search through rubble, hope growing thin,
For a sign of life, for a chance to begin again.
How many sleepless nights, how many prayers,
Before the world sees and truly cares?

Homes reduced to ashes, dreams turned to smoke,
A future once bright now shattered and broke.
How many walls must crumble and fall,
Before we hear Rafah’s desperate call?

The time is now to rise above the fray,
To end the suffering and light a new way.
How many humans must die,
Before your humanity takes to the sky?

Let not our silence be complicit in this pain,
Let not our hearts grow cold to the slain.
How many lives, how many more,
Before we open peace’s door?

© _areesha