

Unsung Echoes Of Grief
In the quiet night, where shadows roam,
A soul once loved now wanders alone.
Lost in the echoes of memories of past,
A heartache lingers, a love meant to last.

In every whisper, in each gentle breeze,
The absence of you, a painful tease.
The laughter we shared, the dreams we spun
Now shattered and scattered, forever undone.

The world feels colder, colours turn gray,
Without your presence, night feels day.
In every corner, your absence looms,
A soulmate lost, in life's endless rooms.

Yet, amidst the pain, a flicker remains,
The love we cherised, bonds we made.
For though you're gone, your essence lives on,
In the melodies of our unfinished song.

So here i stand, with a heart that grieves,
But memories of you, my soul retrieves.
For the circumstances that led us apart,
You'll forever reside, in depths of my heart.

© Highlighter