

You made choice to leave
I made a choice to leave
To walk away from what was familiar
To step out into the unknown
And leave behind the past that was tethering me down

I chose to break free
From the chains that held me back
To spread my wings and fly
And soar to new heights that I never knew I could reach

Leaving was not easy
It was filled with doubt and fear
But deep down I knew
That staying stagnant was not an option anymore

So I took a deep breath
And set foot on a new path
With courage in my heart
And determination in my soul

I may not know what lies ahead
But I trust in myself
To navigate through the challenges
And find my way to a brighter future

I made a choice to leave
And though it may be a bumpy road
I know that I am heading
Towards a life that is truly my own.
© cynfully